In 1921 Pietro Jacovini established the Italian Burial Casket co. Located at 924-926 South 9th street, on the corner of 9th and Hall Streets. A pioneer in the funeral business he was one of the innovators of the Pre-Paid Funeral. Pietro sold funeral policies to families through an insurance company collecting sometimes only pennies towards their funerals.
An accomplished inventor holding several patents, a civic leader and the editor of the only Italian Daily newspaper of the time, The L'Opinone, Pietro was seen annually leading the New Years Parade down Broad Street on his black stallion horse. After passing in 1936, his 3 sons William, Joseph & Pietro Jr. were eager to expand the business to South Broad Street, a main avenue through the city. Together with their uncle Alfonso Baldi, & Son Victor Sr.. a property (Formally a music conservatory) was purchased, 1327-29 S. Broad Street. The name Pennsylvania Burial Co. Inc. was established in the relocation and Baldi Funeral Home as a sister office both operated essentially as one business.
Over the years 3 story brownstones were purchased next to and across the street from the building to supply parking for services held at the establishment. These parking lots hold in excess of 100 vehicles for multiple services. The funeral home consists of 4 chapels, 3 on the first level and 1 on the second level with elevator access.
In 1988 to better server our Asian Community the second floor Chapel has been converted to accommodate the Buddhist Funeral Ceremonial. Cantonese, Mandarin Chinese, Vietnamese & Cambodian translation is available upon request . Because South Philadelphia has always been a melting pot for new immigrants Spanish translation is also available upon request.
The Baldi & Jacovini family are proud to consider the funeral home not only their business but a family tradition. Personal service is a must. We have served the South Philadelphia & surrounding region for over 85 years. Three generations on South Broad Street & fourth generation Funeral Directors.
The Jacovini & Baldi family are available to serve your every request in the final deposition of your loved one.